Patrice Trudeau Over Mount Kilimanjaro

Patrice Trudeau Over Mount Kilimanjaro

Just wow…even in low resolution she looks lovely.

This will be quite a short post, as it was only a short experience.

However, even the brief glimpses in life may be worth sharing, as the duration does not necessarily define the meaning. 

Especially when time may be a complete illusion. Though that’s a much deeper topic for another day…

So, back to the topic at hand – Mount Kilimanjaro!

A mountain that many people have heard of, even dream of.

It’s aroused the interest of explorers for many decades.

And for good reason(s). 

Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest point in Africa. It also consists of three volcanoes, and is known for the ice cap at the summit.

In addition, a fact that most people are probably not aware of is that Mount Kilimanjaro plays a key role in the bioclimatic regulation of the water cycle. So it’s an important part of the environment of the region in physical and energetic ways.

It has a great diversity of plant and animal life, and it has been the inspiration for many different artworks. 

My Short Trip Over the Peak

My own excitement when realizing that I was going to catch a glimpse of this wonderful mountain was high.

Even though my experience was brief and not very intimate. 

It was still a blessing to be able to bask in wonder for a moment. To be able to view such a meaningful natural feature on this beautiful planet. 

I was on my way back from Tanzania when it happened.

We flew over the Kilimanjaro…but I didn’t even know that was going to happen!

So I was very surprised and thrilled by the turn of events. 

What an amazing sight. To say the least.

And even though I would love for a more intimate, close-up encounter on the mountain, the aerial view from high in the sky was a unique perspective offered a special insight that one would not get from the ground.

And it’s a perspective that I won’t take for granted.

Here are some brief snapshots that I was able to capture for you:

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