My new journey in Africa continues.
What a blessing it is to be here. To walk on these lands amongst the diverse flora and fauna. To connect with the people. To feel the energy of it all.
Did you know that Africans are more genetically diverse than the inhabitants of the rest of the world combined?
How incredible is that?!
Many people might subconsciously think of most Africans as very similar, while in fact quite the contrary is true.
The diversity of the human race within the African continent is more diverse than that of every other continent combined!
Anyways, there is a really fun fact for your day.
So Where Am I Off to Now?
I recently made a trip from Kenya across the southern border to the country of Tanzania.
It was a short trip, but it was one of beauty.
The people I interacted with there were very warm and welcoming. I also traveled there with a couple people from Kenya, so that was nice. I travel solo a lot, but it’s always great to have people with you, especially in Africa.
I didn’t get to spend much time with the locals because it was a short trip, so I hope that I will have more time in the future to get to know some people here.
The country has many different cultures, so I can imagine how much there is to explore in terms of the people and their varying cultures, tradition, foods, etc.
Some Snapshots of My Experience
Even though I didn’t get to interact with the local people much, I was still able to get into nature and explore the land a bit.
And of course I took some photos so that I could share them.
The wildlife in Africa is just unbelievable, and it feels so special to experience it first hand. The diversity is amazing and also the uniqueness because many of these creatures don’t live anywhere else in the world.
Here are some photos from the trip:
Wild elephant walking the path 🙂 Hello over there! Seemingly face-to-face with a buffalo
In these moments, I really wish that I had a great camera to capture moments. These moments are already stunning as is, but if you could see them in ultra HD, you would be in awe.
Anyways…let’s continue!
The wild boars here can be MASSIVE. Looks like a good spot to me.
Okay that’s it for today.
Check back soon for some more amazing photos and stories.
One love ❤